Pain in Left Testicle and Left Leg : Causes and Treatment

Do you have pain in your left testicle and left leg? You are not alone. Many people experience pain in their left testicles and left legs.

The pain in the left testicle and left leg is not only uncomfortable but could also be a sign of an underlying health issue. So, it is important to learn about the causes of this symptom and its treatments. In this article, we discuss the causes and treatments of pain in the left testicle and leg.

The Causes of Pain in Left Testicle and Left Leg

The Causes of Pain in Left Testicle and Left Leg

A number of different issues generally cause pain in the left testicle and leg. Some of them include:

1. Hernia

A hernia occurs when the intestines push through a weak spot in your abdomen and become trapped. This can cause cramping and pain, which you would feel in the left testis and leg.

Although this is generally not serious if it does not get worse, surgery may be necessary to prevent further complications.

2. Piles

Piles are swollen blood vessels that develop in the anus or lower rectum. A thrombosed vein may cause pain and swelling, especially if it stops bleeding and begins to block the vein from which it emerged. The pain you feel will be located in your left testicle and leg.

3. Infections

Testicular infections may lead to swelling and chronic testicular pain which radiates down to your leg. These include epididymitis and prostate infection.

4. Cancer

Certain cancers, such as prostate and testicular cancer, may also cause testicular pain in the left test is and left leg. If you experience these symptoms with no clear explanation, it is important to see your doctor for medical evaluation. You should conduct a test to determine whether you have testicular cancer.

5. Injury

You can also get groin pain from an injury to the left leg or testicle. This includes everything from a direct blow, such as a sports injury, or sudden movement of the leg.

6. Orchitis

Orchitis is an inflammation of the testicle that a bacterial infection or a virus may cause. In severe cases, this can lead to infertility. The pain in the left testis and leg is typically very intense, but it generally only affects one side at a time.

7. Testicular Torsion

A testicle torsion occurs when a testicle rotates within the scrotum and twists the spermatic cord, cutting off the blood flow to the testicle. This causes sudden, excruciating pampiniform plexus pain that can radiate down to your leg. This condition is considered an emergency because, without immediate surgery, the testicle can die.

8. Epididymitis


Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, which is a tube that carries sperm from the testicle to the vas deferens. This may be caused by infection or non-infectious irritation, such as excessive exercise. The left testis and leg pain may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, chills, body aches, nausea, or vomiting.

9. Prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate that may cause pain in the left testis and leg. Other common symptoms include fever, chills, body aches, nausea, or vomiting. A bacterial infection can cause it, but it may also be non-infectious.

10. Spermatocele

A spermatocele is a small cyst that forms on the epididymis, which is the tube where sperm mature before ejaculation. This can cause pain in the left testicle and leg.

Spermatoceles cause varicocele pain when the fluid in the cyst compresses or irritates nearby structures. This can be caused by sexual intercourse, physical activity.

11. Hydrocele

Hydroceles are swellings in and around the testicles. The swelling is filled with fluid that surrounds the testicle. The condition can affect men of any age.

A hydrocele may result from an abnormality in the testicle that allows fluid to pass into the surrounding tissue. It can also be caused by injury or inflammation of the scrotum. The inflammatory reaction stimulates fluid production, which results in a localized accumulation of fluid around the testicles.

An accumulation of fluid can also cause a hydrocele due to the failure of the process that normally drains it from the scrotum.

12. Hematocele

A hematocoele is a swelling that develops in or around the testicle due to bleeding into the scrotum. Blood accumulates and forms a solid, jelly-like mass that fills up the entire scrotum.

The condition usually goes away without treatment within several months on its own. Still, you can speed up the process by using pain relievers, applying ice packs on the scrotum, and elevating it as much as possible throughout the day.

13. Kidney Stones

Kidney stone is a common problem when you're dehydrated. Stones can lodge in the ureters, causing pain in the back, groin, scrotum, left testis, and left leg. Smaller stones may pass if fluids are increased. Larger stones might need surgery.

Treatment for Pain in the Left Testicle and Left Leg

Treatment for Pain in the Left Testicle and Left Leg

It's important to know about the treatment options. Here are some treatment options that cure pain in the left testis and left leg:

1. Surgery

Surgery is the most common treatment for severe pain in the left testis and left leg. The surgery can be done to remove the testicular tumor, which is usually caused by torsion.

2. Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is also one of the treatment options for testicle pain, which can be used to kill excess cells.

3. Medication

In many cases, the medication is also considered as the treatment for pain in the left testis and left leg. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics can be used to relieve the symptoms of pain or reduce any swelling that you might experience.

4. Varicocele Embolization

The varicoceles embolization is also an effective treatment for testicle pain and left leg pain. It is a small surgery in which a very thin tube is inserted into the blood vessels to block the varicocele.

Diagnose Testicular Pain: How Is It Determined?

You will be examined standing and also lying down by your doctor. Your doctor will ask you when and how long the discomfort started, how badly it hurts, as well as precisely where it hurts. Furthermore, your past sexual, clinical, as well as surgical experiences will be discussed. Finally, tell your physician if any activity improves or worsens your aches, such as showering, exercise, or sitting. If you suspect an infection, you may need to examine your blood or pee.

Adding a urine or blood test could help exclude infections as a cause. If there is an abnormality in your testicle, you will be examined with a testicular ultrasound. You will actually be referred to a urologist if the ultrasound browse shows indicators of testicular cancer.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the pain in the left testis and left leg.

1. Who Gets Pain in the Left Testes And Left Leg Most Often?

Who Gets Pain in the Left Testes And Left Leg Most Often

People of all ages experience pain in the left testis and left leg, however, it is mostly young men who are affected.

2. When Is It Most Likely For a Person to Experience Pain In One Testicle?

Sexual activity, ejaculation, and exercise all cause pain prior to and during these activities. The pain may occur while you are awake, asleep, standing, sitting, or moving.

3. What Is The Typical Time For the Pain In the Left Testicle To Resolve?

In most cases, pain can be relieved within one to three days following treatment. However, the healing process for testicle pain can take up to four weeks depending on the underlying cause.

4. Does Testicular Torsion Fix Itself?

Most of the time, testicular torsion requires immediate surgery to fix the problem. However, it's important to know that this is a life-threatening emergency because severe damage to the tissue and organs without treatment will be severe.


If you are experiencing any type of pain in your left side, consult a doctor immediately. You will be able to identify the cause of it better that way and get effective treatment. Hopefully, you now understand the causes and treatment of pain in the left testis and left leg.

Billy L. Osorio

My name is Billy. I am a computer engineer by profession. So, most of my work is on the desk. In my past days, I had many back pain issues due to a long time sitting, eating, working habit. I did a lot of studies and consulting for overcoming my problem. Now, I am trying to share my knowledge.

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